As soon as we had finished singing the song, it was time to get our things and wait for the coach to come and take us back to school. When everyone had finished talking, we all sang a song that we had learnt for that day. After the activities, Jo’s sister did a speech about her and what an amazing lady she was. When we had finished our snacks, we all got directed to a tall building where we started to do some activities. When we reached Batley Bulldogs, we got a snack and a drink while we waited for the events to start.

On the way, we all sang songs and danced to some music played by a man named Claudia. On the day of ‘The Big Walk’, a total of 23 schools got together at Batley market place to walk to Batley Bulldogs Stadium in memory of Jo Cox. He was interviewed for the news and was known as the ultimate rock god of eternity! The helicopter had landed earlier the afternoon, so the winner and his team jumped on for an incredible journey! The feeling must have been good for him as he got 402 correct. After the whole 3 minutes had passed the prizes were announced and the winner finally found out that they had won and could take the grand prize helicopter ride. Tension surrounded the room and different cheers could be heard. The grand final then took place with a total of 3 minutes given to answer as many questions as they could. These people were scoring things like 100 correct answers in 1 minute! The semi-final took place just like the quarter final and the top 4 people who got the most questions right up to 12 times 12 went through. The top 4 from each heat went through to a tense quarter final where they competed against seven others however, they were not in a small room anymore, they were in a large room being watched by a huge crowd. Amazing poses were made at the photo shoot and many people put wigs on and held guitars to make them look like a real rock star or even a rock god!Įvery competitor had times table starting from the 2 times tables where they had 1 minute to answer as many questions as they can and then were moved onto the 3 times tables and so on. Difficult brain teasers and games were played at Mathstock. The times table rock wrangle event in Leeds was a very tense event, however it was still a very fun for all competitors and teachers. 2016-2017 TIMES TABLE LEEDS ROCK WRANGLE - 5TH JULY